The Benefits Of Being Sober

When I first began writing in Recovery Princess, two of my first posts were about the advantages of being sober and 45 things you learn in the first 90 days of sobriety.
In the beginning of sobriety, almost immediately, you begin to notice the positive side of what sobriety brings to your life.
Throughout these early days, it is the small benefits that a newly sober person gets excited about. Waking up without a hangover for a whole week seems enough at times to make you want to jump out of bed and shout “Wow, this is great! I feel like a new person!”
As the months go by, there are other benefits of being sober which is why I wanted to write an updated post.
  • You notice that your mind seems clearer
  • You begin to think about new possibilities
  • The first seedlings of hope begin to sprout
  • You become more organized
  • You feel like you are on the right path to find real purpose and meaning
  • Life becomes a journey
  • People admire you and ask for your advice about how to get sober
  • Another benefit of being sober is that your problem solving ability returns. As opposed to turning to alcohol for strength or to help you deal with your problem, you are forced to rely on your natural ability to problem solve. This is huge! It is definitely tough the first few times but once you experience making it through a few of your problems without reaching for a drink, your confidence begins to restore, slowly but surely. You learn to face life’s situations and work through them using all that you have within you.
  • You begin to explore who you really are. Everything changes when you get sober. Being sober is truly a discovery of who you really are. Alcohol accentuates, creates and enhances aspects of your personality that are otherwise not present. In other words, you do, say and act differently when under the influence of alcohol. So when you quit alcohol, you will start to notice that are things that you do not enjoy as much as you used to. Your interests will start to change. This is because you are coming closer to who you really are, the natural you, the one without alcohol.
  • You start to create. Being sober for a period of time will lead you to do one of two things. You will either get very depressed and unable to accept this dramatic change to your lifestyle, which will lead you back to alcohol. Or, you will begin to create. A must read on this subject is the creative theory of recovery explained. In my opinion, creation is the only successful route to take. When you create something and get in touch with your creative side, you will begin to feel passion and purpose, this is essential in your sobriety.  At this time in my life, Recovery Princess is my creative outlet. It allows me to delve into my journey through sobriety, express myself, help and inspire others. Writing and doing research for Recovery Princess has been a huge benefit of being sober because is allowing me to explore my creative side. This of course is just one aspect of creation. What you create is entirely up to you. Do something different, try to figure out what you enjoy and do more of it. Read about subjects that interest you, work on creating a different lifestyle. The more you do this, the more of a good habit it will become. You will soon find that creation is a benefit of sobriety.
What benefits of sobriety have you experienced? Do you think there are any benefits to sobriety? Tell us what you think in the comments.
Thank you for visiting “Recovery Princess; Quit Drinking and Enjoy Sobriety”

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