Internal And External Motivators For Addiction Recovery

The following are some of the internal motivators and external motivators to aid with healing from addictions, listed in no particular order.

Internal Motivators

Many decide to kick their addictions based upon interior motives like love, a sense of achievement, competition, responsibility and a number of other reasons.
A love for a child can make some stop the denial process dead in its tracks, allowing recovery to step in.
Watching a close friend or relative who is farther along the addictive path of destruction can also be an eye-opener, resulting in some addicts adopting the “I can do it” attitude to kick the habit.
Some simply want their own self-respect back and respect from others. While other addicts prefer better health and a sharper mental state, and decide to overcome their addictions and recover.
Regardless of the reasons, internal motivators can be welcome stepping-stones in the path of recovery.

External Motivators

Other motivators along the way are external, like money, work, housing, etc. For example, an addict is generally well aware of the money needed for the continued purchasing of the addictive substances.
Someone not used to living in less desirable conditions because income is lacking, may not need much of a jolt of reality other than the first eviction notice, to spur him or her to quit spending hard-earned money on drugs, gambling, porn or cigarettes, etc.
And some who may really value their jobs and are striving to maintain good work standards and ethics, may see reality when they are passed over for a promotion or annual raise because of tardiness, sloppiness, mishandling of money, etc., and may seek help to get their work act together promptly.
To help with internal and motivators, addicts and their support people can turn to recovery tools like books, videos, movies, healing music, speakers and events focused on addiction and recovery.
A good place to begin is at your own local library or favorite bookstore. Online you can search, Barnes and Noble ( or even your favorite search engine


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