Alcohol: Processes of Change

This questionnaire is designed to give us a better understanding of what strategies you are using in your treatment.
Each statement describes a situation or thought that a person might try to help them not use alcohol. Please indicate how often you might make use of a particular situation or thought to help you at the present time.
There are FIVE possible responses to each of the items in the questionnaire:
1.  I keep things around my home or work that remind me not to drink.  

2.  I engage in some physical activity when I get the urge to drink.   
3.  I do something nice for myself for making efforts to change.    
4.  I can talk with at least one special person about my drinking experiences.  
5.  I get upset when I think about illnesses caused by drinking.   
6.  I tell myself that I can choose to change or not to change.  
7.  I take some type of medication for my drinking problem.   
8.  I change personal relationships which contribute to my drinking.   
9.  I see signs in some public places trying to help people not to drink.   
10.  I stop to think about how my drinking is hurting people around me.  
11.  I consider that feeling good about myself includes changing my drinking behavior.  
12.  I think about information from television and radio on how to quit drinking.  
13.  Someone in my life helps me to face my drinking problem.   
14.  I remove things from my home or work that remind me of drinking.   
15.  I calm myself when I get the urge to drink.   
16.  I reward myself when I don't give in to my urge to drink.   
17.  I have someone to talk with who understands my problems with drinking.   
18.  Warnings about the health hazards of drinking have an emotional effect on me.   
19.  I use will power to keep from drinking.   
20.  I take some type of drugs to help me not drink.   
21.  I avoid people who encourage drinking.  
22.  I notice that people with alcohol problems are making known their desire not to be pressed to drink.   
23.  I am considering the idea that people around me would be better off without my problem drinking.   
24.  I get upset with myself when I think about my problem drinking.   
25.  I read newspaper stories that may help me quit drinking.   
26.  Someone in my life lets me know about how my drinking is affecting me personally.   
27.  I avoid situations that encourage me to drink.   
28.  I try to think about other things when I begin to think about drinking.   
29.  Others make life difficult for me when I drink.   
30.  I have someone who listens when I want to talk about my drinking.    
31.  Stories about alcohol and its effects upset me.  
32.  I make myself aware that I can choose to overcome my drinking if I want to.  
33.  I use tranquilizers to help me keep from drinking.  
34.  I avoid people who are heavy drinkers.  
35.  I find society changing in ways that make it easier for me to overcome my drinking problems.  
36.  I have strong feelings about how much my drinking has hurt the people I care about.  
37.  I become disappointed with myself when I depend on alcohol.  
38.  I look for information related to problem drinking.  
39.  I have someone who tries to share their personal experiences of alcohol with me.  
40.  I use reminders to help me not to drink.  
41.  I do something else instead of drinking when I nedd to deal with tension.  
42.  I don't let myself have fun when I drink.  
43.  I have someone whom I can count on to help me when I'm having problems with drinking.  
44.  I read newspaper stories that can affect me emotionally about my drinking.  
45.  I tell myself that if I try hard enough I can keep from drinking.  
46.  I take antabuse to help me not drink.  
47.  I leave places where people are drinking.  
48.  I seek out social situations where people respect the rights of others to not drink.  
49.  I stop and think that my drinking is causing problems for other people.  
50.  I feel more competent when I decide not to drink.  
51.  I seek out groups of people who can increase my awareness about probles of drinking.  
52.  I have someoine who helps me "see through" my excuses for drinking.  
53.  I stay away from places generally associated with my drinking.  
54.  I find that doing things is a good substitute for drinking.  
55.  I spend time with people who reward me for not drinking.  
56.  Someone in my life tries to make me feel good when I don't drink.  
57.  I attend meetings that help me express how emotionally destructive drinking has been in my life.  
58.  I make commitments to myself not to drink.  
59.  I change my diet to help me overcome drinking.  
60.  I go places where drinking is not generally accepted.  
61.  I see advertisements on television about how society is trying to help people not drink.  
62.  I stop and think that drinking and driving causes many problems for other people.  
63.  I think about the type of person I will be if I am in control of my drinking.  
64.  I think about information that people have personally given me on the benfits of quitting drinking.  
65.  My physical reactions to alcohol help me to realize that alcohol is a problem for me. 

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