Our culture is becoming more and more dependent on instant motivation and instant gratification.
Our world is moving much so more quickly than it did a generation ago. We are finding that in order to reach our goals we have to clearly define why it is important for us to do so. It is not uncommon for us to need an immediate crisis or cause (such as eliminating illness) in order for us to get off the pot and take concrete action and work toward our goals.

There are a several tips and tricks you can use to find instant motivation to start achieving your goals. In order for your motivational thoughts to be effective, you need to consider what is important to you. For instance, imagining not being able to attend the Super Bowl because you didn’t save up for it, might work for you but it won’t work for everyone. Here are some tips to get you started, just modify them for your own use:
1. Visualize the Goal. This is an important step to staying motivated. It is a good idea to help yourself with visualization by drawing or writing your goal on paper, and then posting it where it will be the most effective to you. For instance, instant motivation to eat less can be when you post a picture of how you want to look on the fridge or cabinet doors. A meditative visualization in your mind of what the goal will look like when it is reached can help.
2. Enlist Some Help. As with anything, having support is a crucial step to succeeding at reaching your goals. If there is nobody to count on, nobody to hold you accountable, it may be difficult for you to follow through. For instance, knowing your buddy will be at the gym waiting for you is instant motivation to make your workout date. Do not entirely rely on your support, however. It is not healthy to blame your support for your lack of trying.
3. Know Why You Are Striving For Your Goal. Besides knowing what your goal is, it is also just as important to know why you want to reach that particular goal. You may want to lose weight to stop smoking to reduce your chances of getting cancer, or lower your risk of heart disease. Your reasons are your instant motivation, and they will keep you on track when you slip up, or worse, feel like giving up.
4. Imagine the Consequences. These may be different than your reasons, and should be more serious than ‘looking fat’ or ‘having bad breath’. What in your life would change for the worse if you do not follow through with your goals? The risks of dying of a heart attack when your cholesterol is over 300 should be plenty of instant motivation to get you serious about losing weight and improving your health.
Finding instant motivation to get you moving isn’t is hard as it seems. It also doesn’t have to be painful for you to implement, if you keep it fun and rewarding. The trick is to stay motivated to, making your dreams come true. It is important to remember that they are within reach, and that you can succeed. A positive attitude and a few simple exercises will go a long way in creating instant motivation for you and your goals.
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